In some cases, the person who sustains a serious injury on the property of an apartment complex is not a resident or visitor of the complex. This article discusses some of the important issues relating to apartment Property Serious Violent Injury Cases.
Crimes that occur in apartment complexes that do not have adequate security
In order to prevent crimes, apartment complexes should have adequate security. This includes physical barriers, lighting, security guards, and cameras.
Depending on the type of building and neighborhood, these measures can deter crime. If an apartment complex fails to provide adequate security, the owners may be held liable for any injuries caused to the residents. The law provides tenants with the right to sue landlords for negligent security.
In order to hold a landlord liable for negligent security, the victim needs to prove that the owner knew about the dangerous condition before the crime took place. However, proving liability is often difficult.
The court will look at the likelihood of the crime, the severity of the injury, and the cost of reducing the risk of the crime. If the property has been used in a criminal attack before, the apartment owner is likely to have to increase the security to protect its tenants.
If an apartment complex is not well-lit, it is easier for criminals to hide. Studies have shown that crimes decrease by 40 percent when the area is properly lit.
Injuries caused by a dog breed on a do not rent list
If you live in an apartment or rental property, you may have noticed that your landlord or insurance company has restrictions. These restrictions could include restricting which dog breeds are allowed in your home. This is a major concern because the presence of certain breeds can raise your risk for injuries.
Insurance companies publish lists of banned breeds. While the list varies from insurer to insurer, there are a few common breeds that are on most lists.
One of the most common banned breeds is the pit bull. These dogs have been bred for fighting and have very forceful bites. They cause more damage when they bite than any other breed. Approximately 66 percent of all dog-related fatalities involve pit bulls.
Other breeds that are on the banned breed list include wolf hybrids. In the United States, approximately 300,000 wolf hybrids exist. Because of the unpredictable mix of genetic traits, it is difficult to determine whether these breeds are safe.